Sunday, March 11, 2007

SAP CRM and Siebel CRM -- a side-by-side comparison

At this point, I'd say the jury is still out on how Oracle will absorb Siebel's technology and how that new functionality will play out. Right now, do you think SAP has the upper hand when it comes to CRM? What does that mean for a prospective customer?
QUESTION ANSWERED BY: Srinivasa Katta Let's look at them side by side. See the strengths and weaknesses below.

SAP CRM is stronger than Siebel in terms of tighter integration with its back-end ERP system. Tighter integration in sales, service and logistics is also an inherent strength of SAP CRM with SAP ERP. SAP has a deep knowledge of manufacturing and engineer industry verticals. In addition, SAP BW -- SAP's BI application -- integrates seamlessly with SAP ERP and SAP CRM, while comprehensive reporting is almost out-of-box as well. SAP CRM also has the obvious strength when it comes to customers who are already running an SAP shop.

SAP has not made significant in roads into the non-SAP ERP customer base. SAP CRM customers are mostly clients who have the SAP ERP installed base. SAP also has to strengthen vertical industry solutions.

Siebel CRM
Siebel CRM has the upper hand in the depth and breadth of their CRM applications. Siebel has a large install base of customers compared to SAP CRM. In addition, Siebel industry-specific applications are stronger than those by SAP CRM.

Siebel does not have a traditional ERP product. The integration costs to back-end ERP systems are very high. However, this may no longer be a factor if Siebel demonstrates seamless integration with Oracle back-end applications.

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